




Free tools I love.


There is a lot of free online resources that have been very useful for me. I am listing some of my favorites!


Unsplash.com and Pexels.com. These pair of websites are excellent to find a good quality stock image. There are plenty of them, but these two are my favorites because their galleries are super big.

Trello. This is a project management foftware. It is easy to use, and it helps me organize my activities using the board, lists, and cards, to give them an order and priority.

Buffer. This is a social media toolkit for small businesses. I use it to schedule social media posts, provides some insights, analytics, etc.

Evernote. I can capture notes from the web, and organize them to create ideas.

TopTracker. For people who work remotely. It is a time tracker.


Which one do you use? Do you have any suggestions?


Drink your tea,

